
The advertising career of Jon Morgan has covered a variety of sectors, including financial, technology and retail as well as the illustrious packaged goods industry. 

He has conceived, labored and birthed work for brands such as Citi, Godiva, Miracle Whip, Bud Light, Verizon, Nike, Kleenex, MTV, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, Purina, Windex, Huggies, Trident and some other ones that you probably wouldn’t think were very cool at all.

Prior to his current role at Ogilvy & Mather Chicago, Jon has worked at Publicis, JWT, R/GA and MTV in New York, as well as several Midwestern shops, such as McGarryBowen.

Jon lives in a stroller-and-dog-infested neighborhood of Chicago with his wife, daughters and an imaginary llama named David.